Going Green – Eco-Friendly Products
Why do we cook? To eat, of course! But that would require only steaming vegetables or roasting meat like a caveman. Why do we painstakingly formulate a recipe with right amount of spices and pleasing combination of ingredients? Why do we invent and reinvent stuffed vegetables until we find the recipe that our family loves? We go to great extents to do what is right for them because we always want them to have the best in the world. Well, what about the world itself? What if we could provide them with a world that is a better place to live.
Our life in today’s world is dominated by harmful chemicals. Increased use of cleaning agents in appliances like dishwasher and washing machines leads to huge volumes of chemical dump into the ocean. Not only the sea waters, but our drinking water sources may also be in danger of contamination by these harmful chemicals. Only 0.75% of the earth’s water is available for plants, animals and we humans. So it is in our best interest that we preserve our fresh water resources.
Another problem that we face are with disposable products, like diapers, paper towels. They were unknown to us few decades ago, now they are a major reason for landfills. Do you know that plastic bags take over 1000 years to disintegrate?
This doesn’t mean that we have to stop using chemicals entirely. Instead we should make some choices, choices that are wise for our families. One such measure is to use natural, bio-degradable products instead of harmful chemicals, which conceals many dangerous carcinogens.
In recent months, with awareness about global warming on the rise, many earth-friendly products are finding their way onto super-market shelves. Not only are they eco-friendly, but are safe to use around children. Changing one of the chemical based products in favor of the eco-friendly products in a household can prevent over 10 million pounds of toxic waste being released into the environment. Yes, they are costly. But I feel it is necessary to wisely spend our hard-earned money for the welfare of our family. After all, it is for them that we endure life. These measures that you take to protect your family, will in turn protect our society and hence our nation.
Embracing an environment friendly lifestyle doesn’t necessarily mean hard work or huge shift from the current one. In fact, you will find the eco-friendly lifestyle more manageable because it is going back to our roots. The changes need not be made over a night, but gradually. Over the past 3 months, I have switched to two such products, and I am getting to know more about other products too. Think about the difference you can make by doing something this simple.
Seventh Generation is one such product offering an array of eco-friendly products. From bathroom cleaner to fabric softener, it is amazing how they are made from plants and vegetables. In addition to the products, the website is abundant with valuable information. The facts given in this website slaps on your face that its hard to avoid or deny that we are not living in a perfect world.
Ecover also has a wide range of eco-friendly products as found here.
Quite informative post Sukanya. I am currently reading the book Natural Cures by Kevin Trudeau. It is really amazing that most of items we use are mentioned here as toxins. I agree with your point. Viji
Great article!! I didn't know there was Eco-friendly dish washer! I will look.Thanks Su:))
Thank you for sharing this valuable information. I will look for these products.
Thanks for sharing this info...I already read about the website u mentioned. I will look for those products.
Very well written and a thought provoking article Suganya!
Thanks for the info. Wanted to look for some natural cleaners. Did you find any good one for the kitchen ?
that is a very good info. very valuable one in fact.
Thank you for creating awareness! it was informative and thought provoking!
Hi suganya!
I saw the web sites. very informative and it sends a chill while reading...
Thank you all, for taking time to read the article.
Sandeepa, I havent tried any kitchen cleaner yet, but both 7th gen and ecover have good dishwasher cleaners.
Wonderful to go thru an eco-awareness article in your place,Sugi..!!..
Here,in india most of the houses still depend upon manual dishwashing..yet for the machine to get popularised and then has to come to the matter of detergent!!
You have a cool blog girl. Love the pictures and recipes.
I loved the banana muffins.
Great article!
good choices. I use lot of Seventh Generation products from my daughter's diapers to dish washing liquid. Did use Ecover fabric softner before my daughter was born.
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