Melon Bruschetta

What better way to beat the heat than taking refuge in juicy, refreshing melons. Usually, bruschetta is served spicy, but for a hot summer afternoon, crusty bread with juicy fruit, is a perfect snack with tea. This is more than a recipe, its a method. Play with the combination of fruits until you find what you like the most. Pineapple, persimmons, grapes are some other candidates. Mint and rosemary go well with most of the fruits.


Crusty bread – sliced to ½ inch slices
Cantaloupe – 1 cup, diced
Honey dew – 1 cup, diced
Mint – 2 tbsp, finely chopped
Olive oil


Drizzle the bread slices with oil and toast them in a 350F oven for 8 minutes. Season them with salt and pepper when they are hot.

Combine cantaloupe, honey dew and mint together. Top over the toasts and enjoy.

Melon Bruschetta


Coffee said...

This is more than a Bruschetta! Its a fruity Bruschetta! Awesome! :)

Sharmi said...

wow those pics drive me crazy. I use the macro mode but dont get this clarity. does it work with flash. you have so much light in there. lovely looking bruschetta!!

Tee said...

Cool recipe! :)

Laavanya said...

That picture looks awesome Suganya.

masalapav said...

It looks so mouth watering....

indosungod said...

More than a snack, they are eye candy!

Richa said...

cantaloupe looks gorgeous in there :)

Sig said...

wowowow melon bruchetta...who cares what it tastes like when it looks soo pretty!

bha said...

The pic looks nice, and so seems the recipe....:)

Viji said...

Lovely Suganya, cool and simple recipe. Viji

archana said...

I think I will keep admiring the colours instead of eating them. Picture is beautiful. I know the taste must be awesome :)

Anonymous said...

yummmm.. lovely and tasty... the pics are cool!!

Meeta K. Wolff said...

A brilliant fruity take on the original. Nice!

Suganya said...

Thank you all of you for your comments. Greatly appreciated!

Sharmi, I don't use flash in my pics. Its natural light.

sra said...

How unusual!

Aruna said...

Delicious Pic Suganya!!!!

Padma said...

Lovely fruity have opened another avenue for bruschetta topping. Thanks ya! said...

Beautiful pictures!

FH said...

That sounds great and looks yum!! Sweet tasting Bruschetta,delicious!!

Mishmash ! said...

I have tried apple and tomato (the green ones) combo but melon is new to me...I like brushchettas mainly for all all that colour :)


ushaprashanth said...

Hi suganya!
Bruschetta is a new recipe to me! as every body is saying pic looks lovely!

Roopa (KitchenAromas) said...

Fruity bruschetta! That's a winner!

USHA said...

Looks great with pleasant colour..and golden toasted bread....hmm tempting alot.

Roopa said...

wow thats a very awesome Bruschetta indeed. looks fabulous dear. nice entry!

Shilpa said...

how pretty! not to mention original! i'm so envious that you have such abundant natural light! :)

Priyanka said...

Your pics are too good Suganya.... Amazing.... love the idea of fruits instead of veggies...

Dee said...

great pictures suganya

Anonymous said...

hmmm toasted bruschetta
with fruits...thats cool

Raaga said...

looks lovely :-)

SeeC said...

Oh i just cant stop commenting on your photography.

Lovely recipe.

Suma Gandlur said...

Right now, I am envying you. What a great picture.

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