Today, after two bed-ridden days, I logged into blogger, just to moderate comments (if any!). Thanks to the throat infection and hence the fever, all I had was rasam, milk and bread. With no desire to look at food photographs, blogging took a back seat.
I couldn’t believe my eyes when I read Manisha’s comment. I had to check it for myself. And, yes, its true! I did win this month’s Does My Blog Look Good in This for originality. Yay! This is the photo that I had submitted. For entries and winners, follow the link.
I couldn’t believe my eyes when I read Manisha’s comment. I had to check it for myself. And, yes, its true! I did win this month’s Does My Blog Look Good in This for originality. Yay! This is the photo that I had submitted. For entries and winners, follow the link.

Thank you Manisha for bringing this to my attention. I submitted this entry, just few hours before the closing date, after much contemplation. A big thanks to Nupur, who encouraged me to go ahead.
Will be back when I am hale and hearty…
Will be back when I am hale and hearty…
congratualtions!! well done.
Congrats dear Girl!!!I am not Amazed as you,coz I feel you simply deserve it..
Get well soon.Was wondering why you were not around.Take care, dear :)..
Hey! I am sorry you aren't feeling very well. I hope this gives you the best pick-me-up ever and you're back to being your springy self again.
I am so excited for you! Your pictures are a visual treat so this is definitely well-deserved!
YIPEEE! YAY! :) Suganya, I am so excited to read this! Such an absolute well-deserved win. Congratulations, and keep taking those winning shots!
Also, sending some good vibes your get well soon.
Congrats!!! Great job!
Hi Suganya! how is your throat infection and fever? first take care about health, later remaining... Hope you fine now.
BTW hearty congrats dear. Its a great news. Keep it up.
Congrats :) You deserve it!
Get well soon!
Well deserved!
Congrats!! Its a well deserved win:)
Congrats Suganya. Your pics are always worth winning.
Hope you feel better soon. Take care.
Congratulations and celebrations..>!
Hey Suganya, Congratulations!! This win is really well deserved!
and get well soon, dear!
Congrats Suganya :) This picture is marvelous. All the pictures in your blog deserve a prize :)
congrats! and you rightly deserve it Sukanya. glad you are fine now :)
was wondering why you were not around...sorry abt your infection...hope you get alright soon.....
and the photo is simply superb...great work...congrats..
Congratulations girl... this is soooooo well deserved.... All your pics are such a visual treat! Keep up the good work, and get well soon... If this new won't cure you, what would :D
Congratulations, hope you're feeling much better now!
Congrats, the entry was swell...i commented about the same in the earlier post
Congratulations Suganya...and I am sending loads of hugs your way..Get well soooooonnn. Have loved your photos all along and its heartening to see them win too :)
Congratulations girl!!!
And get well soon!
Amazing photo and u deserve it my dear!!
take rest and get well soooon!!
Congrats Suganya. Get well soon. Take care. Viji
Congratulations! that news must be soothing for the throat as well I hope. Get Well Soon.
well deserved one suganya:) and get well soon.
congrattts...not surprised of course ;)
I hope you feel better and start posting delicious recipes + ipctures soon :)
Congratulations. I've always loved your blog and the pictures you put up. And you deserve this.
Get well soon Suganya!
congratulations! must feel so good.
Sorry to hear that you are unwell dear girl.Take it easy and recover soon.Hugs.
CONGRATULATIONS!! You absolutely deserve it.Color pics on top of black and white! Not an easy task!:)
congrats Suganya! I visited that blog and saw all the pics. My God !! they all look out of the world. so much of talents. i didn't even know such event existed. SO naive of me.
Congrats and get well soon :)
Congrats Suganya... great Job.... the pic is simply awesome....hope you get well soon:)
Congrats Suganya! You really deserve it! And get well sooon!
Congrats Suganya! This is great news. Hope you get well soon!
Congratulations! It is about time this blog wins something for the fantastic layout, colour palette and fantastic pics that are posted here. You go honey! You deserve it.
Its truely well deserved! Not a second thought I am sure. :D Congrats Suganya.... and I hope you are doing fine... get well soon. :)
Hope you fine by now...Miss ya a li'l too much..
Congrats !!! You deserve it.
Your absence did really strike me. But then thot that everyone would be busy with their own work.
Take care of your health. Get well soon.
Sorry you are not feeling well, Suganya. Hope your DMBLGIT? win gives you the health boost you need. It's a great shot and deserves the recognition.
Congratulations ! I loved your photos ever since i discovered your blog.This is just the begining, i am sure there will be more laurels on the way. Wish you the very best. Hope you are feeling better now.
Hi Suganya,
I LOVE your photo and your blog - I am going to spent a couple of happy hours looking through your recipes tomorrow, it's a bit late for me today!
Are you a food photographer? If not, you should be, your photos are beautiful!
Hope you feel better soon - and post some more gorgeous pics!!
Wow....i'm excited for you....Congrats!!!! keep up the great work!!!
Congratulations Sukanya. Get well soon!
Hope you are feeling better today.
wow this pic is totally worthy of a prize, congrtulations...
Congratulations!!! Very well deserved :-)
Hi, Was wandering around and came across your blog. The first thing that striked was that award winning photo. Wow.. its beautiful! I went thtough rest of your blogs..and cant seem to decide which is worth a try, the recipe or the photo composition! Great job girl! :)
Get well soon...
Much pleased to know u recovered from illness and forur your winning. Much more to follow
Congrats dear. Wishing you many more to come your way.
BTW: Get well soon.
Wonderful picture. I ve been taught how to make dumplings, but they always came out soooo ugly. I love the way you played with the colors of the pic. Fabulous...
That one is shot like a is so difficult to shoot with white objects and you've done a fantastic's to many more awards
yayyyyyy congrat Sue...and get well soon. So we can see some more delicious stuff on your blog
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