Amish Pancakes

I love pancakes! Who doesn’t? They are easy and versatile. Served with a seasonal fruit, they are one of my favourite brunch ideas. I make ‘em in bulk and freeze ahead, to devour on those mornings when I crave for a warm breakfast.

The Amish starter was a perfect base to fluffy and tasty pancakes. The holes in the pancake speak for itself. I enjoyed every bite of it that I am happy to share this as the final installment of 1-in-3 Amish Friendship Starter. I developed this recipe according my preference. Feel free to alter to suit your taste. A handful of flax seeds or chopped walnuts will be a nice addition.


Starter – 1 cup
Flour – 2 cups
Baking powder – ¼ tsp
Baking soda – 1 tsp
Salt – ¼ tsp
Eggs – 2
Milk – 1 cup


Mix all of the above just until combined, without over mixing. Heat a pan or griddle and pour ¼ cup at a time. Brown both sides and serve with your favourite condiments.

Amish Pancakes
Amish pancakes served with orange sauce.


Sivani said...

Gosh, I don't know which is better: the recipe or the picture.

As always, you amaze me.

You also make me regret the fact that I have only so recently joined the food blogging community that I didn't get in on the Amish Friendship starter when it went around.

Aah, well, I'll get in on whatever the next thing is to do the rounds :-)

musical said...

Yet another winner of a recipe!

sra said...

a plateful of sunshine!

Anonymous said...

Wow... looks beautiful.. and the recipe sounds delicious!!!

Padmaja said...

Suganya!! Simply Incredible!!
Love those colors, an amazing recipe!!!

Nupur said...

What a gloriously sunny picture! You have taken the amish friendship bread starter to a whole new level with your three creative recipes!

Sia said...

i second sra... its just beautiful...

sunita said...

I want that pancake...can't help it...looks so inviting :)

Siri said...

The picture is gorgeous dear. Very well captured..:D

FH said...

Beautiful breakfast!!:))

Pooja V said...

wow....very fluffy looking pancakes !!

Mandira said...

I want to just reach in and slide that delicious plate my way suganya. ;)

Swaruchy said...

wow Suganya...What a nice way to use the starter...I bet they wud have tasted great dear :-))
Great Pic again :-)

Raaga said...

I am already hungry and you're making me drool... please help.

Laavanya said...

That's a fluffy looking pancake... great idea Suganya.

Tee said...

Orange sauce with pancakes sounds interesting! The pan cakes look gorgeous :)

Padma said...

I am glad to see that u did not add any sugar to it. I think the starter itself is so sweet and serves the sweetness! Loved that photo and congrats on winning the Click award!

Latha Narasimhan said...

Lovely picture suganya! Always liked your pictures! Recipe sounds simple too!:))

Rachel said...

Wow.. that is a lovely looking picture!!

bee said...

just beautiful.

Rajitha said...

yum..suganya love the way you are working on the starter and breaking the usual norm :)

Mansi said...

very innovative Suganya! oange and pancakes is something new:)

Rina said...

Suganya, these remind me of the pancakes my mom and GM use to make with the left over cake batter. Pic looks gr8. Congrats for Click.

Unknown said...

Hi Suganya,
Its sunshine on a plate, delicious way to start the day.

Thanks for letting me know about the website, I have left a comment there to remove or credit it.

Sig said...

Simple gorgeous! You made really good use of that starter!

Nabeela said...

Love the's beautiful!

Kribha said...

simply superb. Love the pic and the recipe. You have really made a good use of that starter kit.

A, mama of twins said...

suganya! the amish series is amazing. Wow, loved it all! beautiful as always. congrats on click.

Bharathy said...

Classic recipe!!Divine picture!!

Rachna said...

sigh.... these are so stunning... please send me the starter!!

LA said...

These were absolutely delicious. My children loved them.

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