DMBLGiT November 2008 Results

Here are the results for this edition of DMBLGiT. The 77 entries received were scored based on three categories - Edibility, Originality and Aesthetics. The three entries with highest total scores are overall winners. Excluding these entries, the ones with the highest category score are the winners in the respective categories.

I want to extend my sincere thanks to the judges Susan, Graeme, Lauren and Meeta. I appreciate your time and effort, considering that last weekend was Thanksgiving in the US.

Overall winners

First Place

Tied at first place are

Arfi of HomemadeS - Pink Paris-Brest for Pink October

And, Vera of Baking Obsession - Checkerboard Cookies

Third place

Dwiana of The Adventure of My Cooking Diary - Kaastengel "cheese stick cookies"

Edibility Winner

Cooking Etcetera - Screamin' Hot Vindaloo Curry

Originality Winner

Sandra of Le Petrin - L'Esprit du Lion

Aesthetics Winner

Loukoum of Beau à la louche - Cœur de Thon Rouge, Minestrone aux Orecchiettes et au pistou

As the host of this edition, I would like to award Chris and Lisa of We [Heart] Food - Basque Fish and Potato Stew.

I love the colors and textures in this photo. The steam is captured so well.

I, along with other judges would like to congratulate the winners. Here are the badges. Pick a colour and go ahead, wear it in your blog.

Few acknowledgments before I wrap up.

Andrew – for the opportunity to host this esteemed event
Mathew – for designing the badges
Shari – for sending the updated badges

Arfi, who is also this month’s winner is hosting the next edition. Don’t forget to send in your entries.


Vera said...

Thank you very much! It's come so unexpectedly! I am so thrilled!

Congratulations to all winners!

Unknown said...

Thank you for the award, such an honour! Yes, please send your submission for next DMBLGIT. I'm so excited! Thanks again, judges!

Anonymous said...

Wahoo! Congrats to all -- and thanks for the host-award, Suganya!

lubnakarim06 said...

Congratulations to the winners. Three cheers to the host. Awesome pics.

Monika said...

congratulations to the winners! the photos are really amazing. :)

Anonymous said...

congratulations to the winners!

Sandra Le Petrin said...

Thank you so much, such a great honour!! Thanks again for hosting and a big big tha,k you to the judges!!

sunita said...

What gorgeous pictures! Congrats to the winners :-)

sefa firdaus said...

congrats to all winners!
really proud to have 3 Indonesian foodie bloggers won the badge!

Cilantro said...

Congrats to the winners!!!

Dwiana P said...

congratulation to you all!
thanks for the host and judges. Really proud to be part of this event:)

Unknown said...

Wow this is awesome and nice to see beautiful pictures.Congrats winners.

amna said...

lovely :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to all the winners!!

Priya Suresh said...

Wow COngrats to the winner...

Anonymous said...

Congrats to the winners. All the entries were wonderful.

Susan said...

Congratulations to all the winners.

Thanks, Suganya, for including me in the mix of some very talented judges.
It was an honor and great fun.

Rathna said...

Lovely Photos ! Congratulations to all the winners :-)

Anonymous said...

Congrats winners. Stunning pictures

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